
2024年4月自考13000 英语(专升本)之阅读判断和选择

发布时间:2024-07-11 浏览次数: 通知:2023年湖南自考专/本科学历提升方案出炉!



Do You Love Your Dog More Than Humans?

Elizabeth Anderson once had a dog named Grace. She and her husband cared for Grace and tried to keep her out of trouble. They took her on vacations and enjoyed her company around the house. When Grace died at age 14, they were deeply upset. Because Grace was a dog,“I was unable to talkto anyone about this great grief,” says Anderson.

“But it's common to feel that way after the loss of a dog,” says Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology.“Our relationship with dogs is simple. Some might call ittrue love.”

The bond between people and their dogs is a lot like love. In one recent study, when the dogs and their owners just looked at each other, they both had a higher level ofthe hormone (荷尔蒙)associated with love.“It is very natural to form a bond between dogs and humans,”says Takefumi Kikusui, author ofthe study.“But we found the same can't be said for humans and wolves.”

“Dogsareman's best friend,” says Coren.“We've trained them to bethatway. We invented the dog to fit in our lives. For 14,000 years, we've been creating an animal which understands our communications and we understand its communications. They have a bond with us.” For example, if a person points to something in a distance, a dog will look in the direction of the finger, just like a human. But what about a wolf?“It would simply look at the finger,” Coren says.

For Anderson, dogs are more lovable than humans. She says,“They try their best to please us. They want to do whatever we want to do. Their love is not limite D. They are good at all the things we enjoy in a relationship.”

1.Grace became a memberof Anderson's familyat 14.

A.True  B.False  C.Not Given

2.Anderson enjoyed hertimewithGrace.

A.True  B.False  C.Not Given

3.Grace died in an accident

A.True  B.False  C.Not Given

4.Coren does not understandpeople's grief over the loss of their dogs.

A.True  B.False  C.NotGiven

5.The bond betweenhumansand dogs can becompared to love.

A.True  B.False  C.NotGiven

6.Dogshave the hormoneassociated with love.

A.True  B.False  C.NotGiven

7.Kikusui knows whywolves are differentfrom dogs.

A.True  B.False  C.NotGiven

8.Manstartedtotrain dogs 14,000 years ago.

A.True  B.False  C.Not Given

9.A wolf understands human communications.

A.True  B.False  C.NotGiven

10.Andersonfinds humansmore lovablethandogs.

A.True  B.False  C.NotGiven






Marta Garcia:Inspired by Technology

Marta Garcia is a high school senior.In the past years she has been working on a varietyof projects.The projects are part of her work with Techbridge,a nonprofit organization.Techbridge was set up in 2000 to increase the number of women in science,technology,engineering and math(STEM).It offers arange of after-schoolactivitiesfor students.

Techbridge focuses on learning by doing.It attracts Marta's interest.“WhenI was a kid,”"saysMarta,“Iwasn't into English.I wasreally into technologyand math.My older sisterwasn Techbridge.She encouraged meto join.It was something for meto do afterschool.I founditpretty fun.”

Martahas created a complex music-making machine.Her latest project is adigitalpiano,which shows how far her STEM skills have advance D.Marta's instructors have beenfollowing her progress closely.“I've seen her master STEM skill,”says Techbridge CEOLinda Kekelis.“She's very confident to face challenges.She isn't afraid of temporarysetbacks.”

Marta plans toattend Smith College this fall.She is stll drawn to math and technology.But she doesnot wanttobe limited to oneparticularcourse of study.

“I'm not sure what I want todo after college graduation,”says Marta.“I know aSTEMcareer is anoption.”The future will be filledwith jobsthat require STEM skills.So herloveof technologyand herexperience with Techbridge will serve her well.

11.Techbridge was set up to_______.

A.train women teachers  B.offer jobs for students

C.teach STEM at school  D.helpgirlslearn STEM

12.Marta Garcia works with Techbridge to______.

A.developher interest  B.finish her education

C.improve her English  D.please her older sister

13.Linda Kekelisis impressedby Marta Garcia's_____.

A.knowledge  B.interests

C.confidence  D.instructions

14.The word “setbacks”(Para.3)most probably means_____.

A.advances  B.difficulties

C.activities  D.projects

15.Marta Garcia'sexperience with Techbridge will_______.

A.helpher finish university  B.benefit her in the future

C.limit her to a STEMjob  D.let hertake fewer courses


